SAFE-ENERGY Workshop 2024




Talks in this room:
 14:00 ! Live

Introduction remarks: SAFE-ENERGY

Clayton Miller

 14:15 ! Live

Safety of machine learning and data acquisition for urban analytics and GeoAI

Matias Quintana

 14:35 ! Live

On interpretable and explainable machine learning for urban building energy modeling and calibration

Yu Qian Ang, Nan Ma, Ming Yan

 14:55 ! Live

Explainable Home Energy Management Systems based on Reinforcement Learning using Differentiable Decision Trees

Garhya Gokhale, Bert Claessens, Chris Develder

 15:15 ! Live


 15:45 ! Live

Data or Algorithms: Reliability and Interpretability of Machine Learning in Building Load Forecasting

Maomao Hu

 16:15 ! Live

Beyond empirical risk: testing data-driven energy models in sparse and biased data regimes

Hussain Kazmi, Attila Balint, Fuyang Jiang, Jilles De Blauwe, Fahad Mehmood

 16:35 ! Live

Panel discussion: On the trustworthiness and safety of machine learning models in regulated energy settings, and how to get there